Dental Veneers in Old Tappan


Would you like to have a smile without gaps between your teeth? Have you noticed any discoloration, breakage, misalignment, or staining on your teeth? Does the appearance of your smile cause you to feel low in self-esteem?

A person's self-esteem can be adversely affected if their teeth are damaged or discolored. Everyone deserves a beautiful smile that makes them feel confident and self-assured. We always feel for you and work towards giving you the smile you deserve. Whether you have gaps between your teeth, chipped, eroded, or decaying teeth, our effective solution is right around the corner with dental veneers in Old Tappan.

A thin, custom-designed shell, designed to resemble natural teeth, is attached to the front of the tooth by our experienced dentists. You can enhance the function and appearance of your teeth with these natural-looking custom veneers, and they offer a long-lasting solution to tooth decay. In Old Tappan, this advanced dental technique can give you the gorgeous smile of your dreams in just one or two visits at Precision Dentistry.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Our dentists employ dental veneers to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth by placing thin, customized shells over them. These custom shells are bonded to the front of the tooth to improve its color, shape, size, or length.

Dental veneers in Old Tappan can last for over two decades as long as you maintain excellent oral health practices and provide constant care. These restorations are permanently bonded to your teeth and are usually made of porcelain or resin composite materials. It is important to note that dental veneers are not the same as dental implants or crowns. A veneer covers the front surface of a tooth. By contrast, crowns encase the entire tooth, whereas dental implants replace the whole tooth.

2 Types of Traditional Dental Veneers in Old Tappan:

  1. Composite Resin Veneers

    Composite resin veneers can be applied during a single dental appointment. Typically made of plastic or resin, these veneers can be repaired easily if broken. It is possible to conceal mild cosmetic imperfections with these veneers.

  2. Porcelain Veneers

    As the name suggests, these veneers are made with porcelain. Porcelain veneers are more resistant to staining than resin veneers. In addition, they have improved light-reflective properties, which are similar to those of natural teeth. These custom shells are designed to match your teeth and are bonded and cemented to the tooth surface.

Veneers can also come in a no-prep variation or even as removable veneers. With the assistance of your dentist, you will be able to determine what type of veneer material is most appropriate for you.

Signs and Symptoms You May Need Dental Veneers in Old Tappan:

  • Stained and Discolored Teeth: Because of years of consuming acidic foods and drinks, drinking coffee, or smoking cigarettes, teeth can easily become stained. Veneers are not only effective at covering up tooth discoloration, but they are also virtually stain-resistant.

  • Gap Between Teeth: This is a common problem faced by millions of people across the globe. Veneers can efficiently fill in these gaps.

  • Crooked or Chipped Teeth: No matter how chipped or crooked your teeth are, veneers can camouflage these imperfections effortlessly. With veneers, a damaged tooth can be quickly restored to its former strength and integrity at a reasonable cost.

  • Other Damages to The Teeth: If you have misaligned or crowded teeth, eroded or degraded teeth, among other issues, these can be treated and covered up using veneers to enhance your charming smile.

  • Cosmetic Smile Makeover: Veneers are a great way to give your teeth a 'facelift' and improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Treatment Process of Dental Veneers in Old Tappan:

  • Your dentist will examine you at your initial appointment to determine if dental veneers in Old Tappan are appropriate for your needs.
  • For this procedure, a small amount of enamel will be removed from your teeth by our specialized dentists.
  • The next step is to take an impression of your teeth. This impression will be used to make custom veneers if needed, which could take a few weeks or less.
  • In a subsequent office visit, our dentist will examine your veneers' fit, color, and shape. The veneers will then be permanently bonded into place using dental cement.
  • Lastly, they will assess your bite and make any necessary adjustments.

This process will change depending on the kind of veneers you need. For example, a no-prep veneer placement does not require enamel removal.

A veneer placement does not require any time to heal or bond. Following the placement of dental veneers, patients can return to their normal activities on the same day.

Benefits of Dental Veneers in Old Tappan:

Several cosmetic flaws can be corrected with dental veneers in Old Tappan. The cosmetic occurrences that are treated by dental veneers include the following:

  • Having veneers placed on your teeth will improve the appearance of your smile by enhancing brightness and evenness.
  • Uneven or severe discoloration that cannot be corrected by whitening alone can now be restored. Veneers are also highly stain-resistant.
  • Veneers can be used to reshape teeth or to provide a uniform appearance to teeth that overlap or are widely spaced.
  • The ease and comfort of undergoing dental veneers have made them referred to as "instant smile makeovers".
  • It is also possible to use veneers to lengthen a short tooth that stands out from the rest and make them appear larger and bolder for uniformity.
  • You can expect veneers to last for more than two decades, depending on the type you choose; so they are a semi-permanent investment.
  • Veneers don't require any special maintenance.


With veneers, you can alter both the shape and the color of your teeth, strengthen your teeth and wear a more natural-looking smile. With this long-lasting solution that can be completed quickly, you can achieve your ideal smile results.

At Precision Dentistry NJ, our experienced and specialized dentists can help you get the smile you desire with our advanced dental veneers in Old Tappan within as little as two appointments. So what are you waiting for? Contact us and schedule an appointment today!

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Quality and affordable dentistry

Our dental office offers a range of gentle but highly effective dentistry services that aren’t common, but they should be! With them, we can uplift your smile using the latest, proven techniques.